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Horses for sale

We can help you find your dream horse!!

You have the opportunity to come and try horses for a longer time.
You can combine a stay here at the farm with taking plenty of time to try different horses.
That way, you get a better picture of the horse and you get to try it in many situations that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to do until it has been taken home.
At the same time, we can give you some instruction, so that you get the full benefit of the riding.
Here you also have the advantage that there are several horses in the same place, so you can try many different ones.
We have different types of horses for sale: old, young, nimble, calm, touring horses, breeding mares and competition horses.
One thing they have in common is that they have been used on riding holidays and are used to different riders, different situations and well tested both mentally and physically.
We know each and every horse very well and can vouch that it is actually as we describe it.

We have horses for sale at any time, and if we don't have the one that suits you, we can put you in touch with others who might have it.

We have many contacts both here in Norway and in Iceland.

Sist oppdatert 24.01.2025 kl. 16:03

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