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Kvistli Islandshester

Vacation on the horseback 

"Enjoy the beauty of the Norwegian Mountains by Horse"

The charm and nature surrounding Kvistli Ranch Resort makes it an ideal destination for horseback riding. We have a wide variety of carefully selected horseback trails and vacation packages.

Whether you are interested in a three-day ride with fantastic views or a more adventurous eight-day trip to see the musk ox or experience a 6-day ride with gourmetfood,  we can help you to put the perfect horseback vacation together.

We have guided horseback tours with highly experienced instructors. 

Ranch Living and Horseback Riding

Experience the farm life with our dogs, cats, llamas and our 80 Icelandic horses.
You will live in the main house on the farm and stay in a pleasant room on the 2nd floor, with a common bathroom in the hallway. 
We have recently renovated this building, complete with new bathrooms and interior decoration.

The lounge and TV area is for our guests to use.
We want you to feel at home on our ranch.
We serve delicious homemade food and much of the ingredients come from local farmers.
All meals will be enjoyed in the dining room with company of our guides.

Ranch living and horseback riding can be enjoyed throughout the season.
This ranch and riding experience is suitable for everyone - young and adult, with or without any experience with horses.

A stay on the farm includes: horseback riding every day, with alternating half-day trips and full day trips.

Accommodations and all meals are included in the price.

Price 2024 pr person

2-Days: NOK 5040
3-Days: NOK 6490
4-Days: NOK 9090
5-Days: NOK 11530
6-Days: NOK 14130
7-Days: NOK 16185

Autumn weekend and horseback riding
Date: From Week 34 in August
Price: NOK 5500
This is a superb and very popular time at Kvistli Ranch Resort.
During this season the nature is magical - the encounter with its colors and crystal clear air is simply breathtaking.

We are looking forward seeing you.
Welcome to Kvistli!

"The adventure is waiting for you"

Kvistli Islandshester
Anne Margrethe and Morten Sæterhaug
Kvistli Gård, NO-2584 Dalholen


Sist oppdatert 27.11.2024 kl. 07:30

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